Thank You, Goodbye

I am a pauper among the nobles
The retard among the geniuses
Their reach is for the global
While I can only hold the nooses

Pathetic, I am, lost and tired
If I could just hold my breath
Or have a rope in my neck wired
Drip the crimson until my death

Say goodbye to those who knew me
Not your fault, a crime of mine
This, an authority’s final decree
No need to look behind my “fine”

Your existence is something I loved
I was happy, I was living the moment
But all dreams must come to an end
Continuously stuck in this nightmare

Comforted by your arms when you hugged
A sudden feel of relief washed by your scent
Thank you for being someone I can depend
But this is something I can no longer bear

Thank you for believing when I can’t
Words may not overturn this situation
This warmth that only you can grant
Still, please forgive this rash decision

You’re my first hello and last farewell
I hope you find what you’re looking for
Waiting until the final ring of the bell
Until it has opened———Death’s door